Monday 1 October 2018

The Media and Me

The Media and Me

The Internet

The internet has been a big part of my life for a very long time. From a very young age I've used the internet for a variety of things including gaming, social media, an information source and for school work. Even in primary school most of our homework was on the internet. Not only this but my dad is very modern so I had a very modern upbringing where the internet was incorporated quite a large amount. Now I am extremely reliant on the internet and use it daily without fail whether its for school work or for social media and it is a large part of my life.

Video Games

When I was younger I used to be into gaming a lot more then I am now. I started off having a Nintendo DS, DSi, PSP and a Wii from a very young age which I loved and spent a lot of time on especially my DS/DSi. I have an older sister and we also use to play on her PS2 quite regularly. When I then got a bit older I got an Xbox 360 and a PS3 of which I loved my Xbox a lot and spent a lot of time on it playing games like Call of Duty and GTA. When I was 14 I then got a PS4 however I didnt like it as much as my Xbox so I sold it. I then went away from console gaming for a while and went on to PC gaming playing games like CSGO and again GTA.


I used to watch lots of TV when I was really young including programmes like Teletubbies and dora the explorer. As I grew a little bit older I sort of lost interest in TV and got more into gaming even though from a young age my dad always watched quite a lot of TV. I then hit 12 and got into hollyoaks and I have watched every episode without fail since. That is the only TV programme I really watch now however, I will occasionally watch horse racing and football when Manchester City play.


Even when I was younger I was never really that interested in films in comparison to other things like video games and the internet however, I would watch some films with my family. I was never interested in the Harry Potter films or anything like that when I was young and found them quite boring. Even now I don't really watch films however I do love a good rom-com or a horror film every now and then. My most recent favourite film has to be the new Mamma Mia!


Advertising is seen everywhere however, its never had a massive impact on me and if anything they're annoying because they interrupt whatever you are doing if its online like watching a video or trying to play a game you have to stop and watch a completely irrelevant advert. Most of the time I will ignore adverts unless its something that looks interesting however, this is rare.


The main time I will hear the radio is in the car because at home most of the time we just play music through bluetooth speakers on our phones. But even in the car we use an AUX cable so we can play our own music. Occasionally my dad will put on the radio if we are at home and most of the time we listen to either Heart, Radio 2 and Connect.


When I was much younger I used to love magazines!  I used to get one every week when my dad would go shopping and I absolutely loved it. I used to love reading all of the stories and the little free gifts you would get inside. Nowadays the only magazine I receive is a British Horse Society one that I got with my membership and I will sometimes read it but if I do it is mainly for discount codes for new stuff for my horse.


I've never been interested in newspapers and they've never really had an effect on my life because none of my family read them either. The only time we would have them in the house was when my grandad lived with us for a while and he used to read them a lot. Most news is on the internet and my dad watches the news on the TV so we've never had the need to have them in the house. 

Music Videos

When I was younger I used to watch music videos a lot more then I do now however the main reason for that was because I didnt have Spotify or Apple Music like I do now. When I used to listen to music it'd either be on the music channel on TV or on youtube of which both showed music videos. Now if I do watch a music video its normally because a friend has recommended too. I love the music video/song below because it has such a strong meaning.

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