Friday 5 October 2018

Editing Using Premier Pro

Editing Using Premier Pro

What was the task?
The task we were given was to produce a simple, basic edit using videos and audios provided to us on the editing software premier pro. The footage we were given was videos of a fly board competition, the crowd watching and then the audio "oops upside your head" by DJ Casper. To do this I went through each video that was provided and strategically placed them in order to fit with the music and also used specific video transitions to assist with the videos fitting with the audio.

What did you find easy?
I found that actually importing the videos and putting them together was quite easy and a basic process when I had been shown how to do it by my media teacher and when I watched a tutorial on how to use premier pro correctly.

What was more difficult?
The hardest part for me was trying to get the videos and the music to fit together so it was more appealing for the viewers. It was not easy trying to incorporate all the different camera angles we were provided with and trying to fit them all together so they look right. For example, going from a high angle shot to a close up under water.

How did you overcome any challenges?
To overcome challenges I encountered I would either ask my teacher so he could assist me or go back to the tutorials and go back through each step so I can do it correctly. One of the challenges I faced was I didn't note which videos I used in what order so then when it came to adding more videos in it was a longer process because I was trying to figure out which videos I had already used. although this isn't a massive challenge I have faced it did delay the whole process slightly.

What do you think is successful?
I think this task went quite well as it has numerous camera angles entwined into it as well as a variety of different transitions between clips. Not only that, but I think the music fits quite well with each part of the videos and that makes it more interesting and enjoyable for the viewer.

What could be improved?
The video could be improved by using a wider variety of the clips I was provided with as I only used a number of clips which could be seen as quite similar and it might be more enjoyable to watch if there was a wider variety of clips. If I was going to redo this I would take more time into considering which videos I use and where. I would also note which videos I used to save me time when picking videos and I can put more time into editing.

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